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Stay tuned kids for the ultimate online community for kids—LEGO style! The clever people behind the studded bricks that are rapidly taking over the world have found a way to create a safe online social app for kids to interact on.

LEGO Life has already been launched in other countries and will soon be available in Australia for iOS and Google Play.

So what is LEGO Life? Basically it’s a social networking site built for kids. It is a safe and friendly space for LEGO fans to come together, share builds, create their own LEGO avatars and exchange ideas and inventions without some of the nasty stuff that goes on elsewhere. What goes on here? All the things that get adults and older kids hooked on social networking are here—there’s newsfeeds, profiles, the ability to post images (of Lego creations—not yourself) and you can like and comment on other people’s posts. LEGO will also put up challenges for app users to attempt and share. Eventually you will also be able to use your LEGO Life account for other LEGO games and more.

What makes this app safe for kids? First of all, you have to get your parents' permission to sign up, including providing their email to confirm sign-up. You can’t use your own name on the app or provide personal details—and the names LEGO assigns you are way more fun and creative than your own anyway. You can choose a LEGO character for your profile picture and customise it to your own tastes—no photos allowed. There is also a filter to make sure nobody says anything rude, and LEGO employees are also checking comments. But who needs to write comments when you can simply react with a LEGO emoji or sticker on the special LEGO keyboard!

There is definitely a huge temptation to interact with other people online through apps—after all, that just seems to be how things are done these days—so it’s good to know there is somewhere not only safe, but also fun, to try this stuff out.

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