Funny Faces
More than anything else I love to have fun! But there are some people I hang out with who
have forgotten what it’s like to have fun. Sadly they’re always angry, ‘busy’, complaining or jealous of others.
Life shouldn’t be all doom and gloom: it doesn’t take much to have fun—you can have fun with a box of chalk, a ball, a couple of friends, some textas and paper, even just your own imagination. So next time you see someone down in the dumps, tell them to turn their frown upside down, and remind them of the good things God has given them and what fun’s all about!

An adult’s help, funny faces template (download), thin card, glue, scissors, stapler

1. Download and print face templates.
2. Glue the face templates to a piece of card.
3. Once glue has dried cut each face along the two black horizontal lines. Stop cutting at the white border.
4. Line up the pages together. Add a cover page and staple the pages together in book form.
5. Write the words from Psalm 139:14 on the cover.
6. Make funny faces with the flip book by mixing the top, bottom and middle of each page.
‘God made you in an amazing and wonderful way,’ Psalm 139:14.